A bold proposal to save humanity as we know it!

Dr. JC Soulwood
2 min readFeb 10, 2021


You’ll be kickin' yourself for not saying this first!

It’s about right now, that we need to start thinking again, not just following the the guy before us. Like that famous Japanese dude said, the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago and today. As we are currenty a little short of time machines (krhm.. DARPA??), we’d better start crackin’!

In these long, dark teatimes of the quarantine, I went ahead and did some thinking. And had meself an idea. An epiphany, one could even say. In certain circles my proposal might even garner guarded positivity, if not flat-out celebration!

You see, I think that we should legalize drugs. Not all of them, obviously. Just the ones Mother Nature wanted us to have in the first place! Pachamama is, afterall, a kind and thoughtfull provider. In Mother’s SuperMall there are isles upon isles to choose from!

Marijuana and hash would be legal, chrystal meth and PCP not. Shrooms and peyote legal, heroin and speed illegal. You get the idea. Basically anything an industrious young man can find and cook up without chemistry degree, would be A-OK, legal-wise.

I mean, just think about it. Hunter-gatherer would be a proper job-description again. It would really cut into rural unemployment. It would also do wonders to inner city violence; You take away the shit that makes you crazy while sucking all dineros from your bank-account, and Detroit would be an effing Shagri-La! In one fell swoop we can fix the daycare to prison cycle, when inner city kids would do nature hikes instead of cybercrimes after school. There’s money in them woods!

What about state budgets, then? Los Angeles could do away with SWAT, armoured vehicles and all aggressive parts of Police. Let them “Serve and Protect" for a change. Drug-busts and related crimes would be a fondly remembered past.

Judges would have much wider assorment of penalties. Instead of calculating months in the big house, put the guys to tend to forests! A bit of raking would do wonders to their constitution while diminishing the fire-season from excistential threat to one messed up weekend!

Big pharma’s stranglehold on society would end. Drugs for depression, PTSD, ADHD and DUI would go bye-bye. "Feeling the blues, eh? Here is a voucher for gardening 101, it’ll straighten you right up!"

What do you think? Should be worth couple of them Nobels, right!?

I think so!



Dr. JC Soulwood

I am an Epistemologist (who isn't, right?) Psychologist, grandfather, Holy Father, regular father, Gothi, atheist, Oneironaut and Usui Reiki Master.